Dry vacuum pumps Keywords www.vacuum-guide.com

ATEX dry pump centrifugal exhauster piston type pump roots vacuum pump scroll vacuum pump side channel lubricated rotary screw rotary vane liquid ring America Asia Pacific Europe

Pfeiffer Vacuum Dry vacuum pumps Pfeiffer Vacuum Inc. -
- 24 Trafalgar Square, Nashua NH 03063-1988, USA

email, Tel. +1 (800) 248-8254

Pfeiffer Vacuum is a vacuum technology world leader for more than 130 years: an important milestone was the invention of the turbopump in our company more than 50 years ago.
Our comprehensive range of solutions, products and services includes vacuum pumps, measurement and analysis equipment, up to complex vacuum systems.
products: Dry vacuum pumps

EBARA Ebara Technologies
- 151 Main Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95838, USA

email, Tel.
products: Dry vacuum pumps

EBARA is a world leader in the design and manufacture of "dry" mechanical pumps. EBARA dry pumps provide a host of product enhancements including increased reliability, reduced clean room particulate load, low noise, low vibration, lower operating costs, and the lowest cost of ownership. EBARA's dry pumps survive the harshest applications such as LPCVD, PECVD, CVD, and metal etch. EBARA's dry pumps are used for many applications in and outside the semiconductor industry where oil backstreaming is unacceptable. EBARA has manufacturing facilities in Sacramento, Ca and Fujisawa, Japan.

GRAHAM dry vacuum pump Graham Corporation (Headquarters)
20 Florence Avenue, Batavia NY 14020, USA

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products: &nDry vacuum pumps

The Graham DRYFLO vacuum pump is a two-stage hook & claw design with two claws per stage. Graham DRYFLO dry vacuum pumps run without working fluids such as steam or water. As a result, they run clean, eliminating environmental worries and the cost of contaminant disposing, they reduce emissions, and ease solvent recovery.

KASHIYAMA dry vacuum pump KASHIYAMA USA, Inc.
3350 Scott Boulevard #6101, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA

email, Tel.

Vacuum Pump Sales, Customer Support, Service.
products: Dry vacuum pumps

TUTHILL dry vacuum pump KINNEY Vacuum
Michele Mannering, 495 Turnpike Street Canton, MA 02021, USA

email, Tel.
products: Dry vacuum pumps
  • KDP Fixed Pitch Dry Screw Vacuum Pumps KDP-150, KDP-330, KDP-400, KDP-800
  • SDV Variable Pitch Dry Screw Vacuum Pump SDV-120,SDV-200, SDV-320, SDV-430, SDV-800, SDV-1500, SDV-2700

nash_elmo dry vacuum pump nash_elmo Industries
9 Trefoil Drive, Trumbull, CT 06611-1330, USA

email, Tel.
products: Dry vacuum pumps
  • D_100 Series, One-stage claw: for industrial vacuum needs with vacuums up to 24" Hg vacuum (150 torr) and pressures of 30 PSI (2 Bar).
  • D_200 Series, Rotary Screw: for corrosives, organics, inorganics, and solvents
  • D_300 Series, Three-stage claw
  • D_400 Series, Rotary Lobe, also offered in a variety of special materials to handle condensible vapors.

TOYOTA dry vacuum pump TOYOTA Industries Corporation
- 44901 Industrial Drive, Fremont, CA 94538, USA

email, Tel.

Toyota Industries Corporation manufactures and sells high quality and reliable dry vacuum pumps using the technology cultivated in the development and production of car air-conditioning compressors.
products: Dry vacuum pumps

EC 100L and T Series use a multistage roots system.
These dry pumps mainly used in semiconductor production equipment, have achieved best-in-class low power consumption and contributed to the reduction of electricity consumption and CO2 emissions.
  • T100L (100m3/h down to 0,01 Torr) is an ultra compact and quiet roots dry pump for clean application. It is designed for the integration into semiconductor equipment in the cleanroom.
  • T100P (100m3/h down to 0,01 Torr) is excellent performance dry pump for all process including light duty and harsh duty processes. It has good reliability and safety for reactive gases and deposition.
  • T1000 (600-950m3/h down to 0,001 Torr) is designed to cover wide range of processes with its high capacity and variable pumping speed. It has good reliability and safety for reactive gases and deposition.

VPS dry vacuum pump VPSAMERICA INC.
- 18150 Edgar Place, IL 60487 Tinley Park, USA

John KIM, email: info@vpsamerica.com, Tel. +1 708-770-0007

VPS is a world leader in the design and manufacture of dry mechanical pumps.
products: Dry Screw vacuum pumps, Oil free vacuum pumps
  • L-Series Vacuum Pump
  • P-Series Vacuum Pump



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