India rotary vane pump Keywords

rotor vanes vacuum oil and grease applications other vacuum pumps America Asia Pacific Europe

Pfeiffer Vacuum India Pfeiffer Vacuum India Ltd. -
- 25/5 Nicholson Road, Tarbund, Secunderabad - 500 009, India

email, Tel. +91 40 2775 0014

Pfeiffer Vacuum is a vacuum technology world leader for more than 130 years: an important milestone was the invention of the turbopump in our company more than 50 years ago.
Our comprehensive range of solutions, products and services includes vacuum pumps, measurement and analysis equipment, up to complex vacuum systems.
products: Rotary vane vacuum pumps

Rotary vane pumps have proven themselves for years in many applications. Coordinated accessories and the selection of ideal equipment make the Pfeiffer Vacuum rotary vane pumps usable for many processes.

Single-stage Rotary Vane Pumps: HenaLine, UnoLine Plus, Pascal

Two-stage Rotary Vane Pumps: PentaLine, DuoLine, Pascal

Toshniwal rotary vane pump Toshniwal Instruments (Madras) Pvt Ltd. -
- 267, Kilpauk Garden Road, Chennai - 600 010, India

Rohit Toshniwal, email:, Tel. +91 44 26448983

Toshniwal is a leading producer and supplier of vacuum pumps, pumping systems, and components.
products: Rotary vane vacuum pumps

Toshniwal manufactures rotary vane vacuum pumping systems using the most advanced engineering techniques. The TMS range of vacuum pumping systems includes single-stage oil-sealed rotary vane vacuum pumps with oil recirculation system. They are available in two versions depending upon the vacuum range.

process vacuum:   oil-lubricated vacuum pumps, high vacuum pumps (oil immersed), pumps - boosters and vacuum pumping systems. We also undertake repair and maintenance service.
High Vacuum Pumps:   Toshniwal manufactures a variety of single stage and double stage high vacuum pumps. Single stage pumps are capable of holding a maximum pressure of 10-2 torr and the double stage pumps can hold up to 10-3torr.

- Chandra Nivas, Behind Andheri Police Line, Andheri (E), Mumbai, Maharashtra 400 069, India

R.J. Sawant, email, Tel.

We are a Private Limited Company manufacturing the full range of High Vacuum Pumps, Water Ring Vacuum Pumps, Direct Driven Rotary High Vacuum Pumps, Chemicals Process Pumps & Gear Pumps.
Our Products are not only marketed domestically, but are also available for Exports & meets strict International Quality Control Procedures at our Vapi Works.
products: Oil Sealed Rotary Vacuum Pumps

VJ Series: Oil sealed rotary vanes high vacuum pumps
DSV / DDV Series: direct driven rotary high vacuum pumps



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