High vacuum side channel pumps Keywords www.vacuum-guide.com

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Pfeiffer Vacuum High vacuum side channel pumps Pfeiffer Vacuum GmbH -
- Berliner Str. 43, 35614 Aßlar, Germany

email, Tel. +49 (0)6441 802-0

Pfeiffer Vacuum is a vacuum technology world leader for more than 130 years: an important milestone was the invention of the turbopump in our company more than 50 years ago.
Our comprehensive range of solutions, products and services includes vacuum pumps, measurement and analysis equipment, up to complex vacuum systems.
products: High vacuum side channel pumps

With its performance and compact design, the OnTool Booster is setting standards in vacuum technology.
It is characterized by an extremely high pumping speed of 130 m3/h and an ultimate pressure of less than 1.10-5 hPa
The OnTool Booster is the perfect solution for clean applications in coating, the semiconductor industry or research and development - without any particles, corrosive gases or condensation. It can be employed in a wide variety of applications, either as a stand-alone pump or as a backing pump for turbopumps.

The side channel high vacuum pump is a vacuum pump that works from atmospheric pressure to the high vacuum range. This pump is a combination of a side channel pump (pressure range 1,000 to 5 hPa, laminar flow) and Holweck stages (pressure range 5 to 10-5 hPa, transitional and molecular flow).



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