Cryopump manufacturers Keywords

diffusion pumps getter ion pumps turbomolecular pumps America Asia Pacific Europe

Stratox Limited -
- Martland Mill, Mart Lane, Burscough, L40 0SG, United Kingdom

email, Tel.

Design, manufacture, consult, and service all low and ultra-low temperature refrigeration systems. We have special expertise in F-gas compliant auto-cascade systems and refrigerant gases.
products: Cryo-cooler service and repair
  • Ultra Low Temperature Refrigeration
  • Manufacturing design consultancy
  • Compliance and regulatory advice (F Gas)
  • F Gas compliant refrigerant blends and design

SHI-APD CRYOGENICS Cryopump Sumitomo (SHI) Cryogenics of Europe, Ltd -
- 3 Hamilton Close, Houndmills Industrial Estate, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 6YT, United Kingdom

email, Tel. +44 (0)1256 853333

SHI Cryogenics Group, a global manufacturer that includes the Cryogenics Division of Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd. and the former APD Cryogenics, delivers innovative solutions to the semiconductor, research, optical coating, and medical industries.
products: Cryopumps
  • APD Series Cryopumps : APD-series cryopump is the class leader in the electro-optics industry and specific applications where its unique size or performance offers the best solution for the most demanding vacuum applications.
  • Marathon® Cryopumps : Again, this expanding product line is available in multiple flange styles, sizes and configurations. With a more powerful refrigerator than any other manufacturer's offerings, Marathon® repeatedly out-performs other cryopumps of the same physical size. But we don't stop there - our proprietary adsorbent material coupled with our unique, high capacity 20K array means that we have absolutely no hesitation in publishing a guaranteed pumping speed for helium.



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